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Lower the risk and cut off the cost car insurance
The easiest way to lower your car insurance premiums is to reduce your risk and accept a higher voluntary deductible. The insurer's standard deductible may be £ 100, but if you meet the first £ 250 of a claim, you will see a reduction in your premium. This is because you take more of the risk so you get a discount. But it's a game of chance, be aware that after an attempted theft or a bill for repairing body damage after a parking lot crash, you'll have to pay the cost of a broken window.
Tips on cheap auto insurance premiums
Security means savings
Appropriate safety features can also result in cheap car insurance premiums. All major insurers insist on Thatcham safety equipment, usually at least one alarm. If you live in a car crime risk area, it makes sense to provide additional security. You save money when your insurance needs to be extended and gives you extra security.
Annual route, less means more in your pocket
If your annual mileage is 5,000 miles or less, ask insurers if they offer discounts for the agreed mileage restrictions.
Named driver trick
Adding a named driver to your policy will allow you to increase or decrease your premiums based on the age, gender, and driving style of those drivers. Adding a young driver increases your premiums, especially for limited or poor driving performance. However, if you add a driver who is over 30 years old with a long and clean driver record, you can lower the premiums, especially if the named driver is female!
Shopping and save even more
The biggest car insurance savings come from shopping. There can be massive differences between the lowest and highest car insurance quotes for exactly the same car and driver. Start with good comparison online offer websites, take their best deals and go directly to the cheapest auto insurance for more accurate deals.
So the next time you receive your renewal offer, do not just accept it and pass your money on to the insurance company. Use the steps above and get the right coverage at the right price.
Tips for cheaper car insurance
1. Buy from the internet.
Most companies offer a discount for online applications, as this is an automated process and costs much less to process your application, you can usually see discounts of 5% -10%.
2. Shopping around.
All insurance companies use different formulas to calculate your insurance premium by adding or distracting money after every question you ask. When shopping, you can find big savings on your insurance premium.
3. Buy additional products.
Most insurance companies also make other insurance products, ie "building and content insurance". Most insurance companies give you extra discounts for buying more than one product, which allows you to save a fair amount on all your insurance premiums.
4.Pay your insurance premium in one go.
By paying your insurance premium in full, you can avoid paying expensive interest charges that would be added if you paid your insurance premium by installments. Some insurance companies can charge up to 15% APR on installments. You can even get a discount on the deposit. If you can not afford to pay in full, which would be a small loan, you could save some more money. Complete an online loan application.
5. Increase your voluntary surplus.
Your deductible is the amount you pay in the event of a claim by increasing it should your insurance reduce your premium.
6. Reduce your annual mileage.
Lowering your annual mileage can reduce your premium, most insurance companies will specify you for around 12,000 miles a year. Try and work out how many miles you will do, if it is likely to be less, you can get a discount. Be honest about this as your insurance company may require to see old MOT's and service history to check your mileage in the event of an accident.
7. Have you installed an alarm, an immobilizer or a tracker.
The theft of and from your vehicle plays an important role in the calculation of your insurance premium. If you have an alarm or an immobilizer installed, you will get a small discount on your premium, and if you have a tracker installed, you can save quite a bit.
8. Take the advanced driving test.
Passing your advanced driving test shows your insurance company that you have more skill while driving and are less likely to be involved in an accident.
9.Do not inflate the value of your car.
Adding extra value to your car when you apply for your insurance offer will not do anything for you except increase your premium. In the event that your car is stolen or written off, you will only receive the market value of your car at the time of your accident.
10. Look at your credit rating.
Insurance companies now consider your credit score as part of the calculation for your insurance premium. Maintaining a good credit rating could avoid unnecessary additions to your premium.